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起亚 EV5 将亮相 2025 加拿大国际车展 多款新车同台展示

近日,起亚汽车宣布将在 2025 加拿大国际车展上首次向公众展示全新车型 EV5。这一消息引发了汽车爱好者的广泛关注,届时,车展现场观众将率先一睹这款新车的风采。

EV5 是一款面向大众的紧凑型 SUV,其设计借鉴了屡获殊荣的 EV9,兼具大胆的外观造型与实用功能。它不仅拥有 SUV 的空间灵活性、强大性能和舒适驾乘体验,还搭载了电动动力系统,车主可在家充电,降低使用成本,享受纯电驱动带来的高端驾驶感受。该车预计于 2026 年初在加拿大各地起亚经销商处开售。

加拿大国际车展总经理杰森・坎贝尔表示:“我们很荣幸起亚能重返今年的车展,并首次公开展示 EV5。起亚在电动汽车领域不断取得显著进展,EV5 的推出彰显了他们对可持续出行的坚定承诺。”

在车展上,起亚的展位将为观众带来丰富的沉浸式体验。基于其与国际足联的全球赞助合作,起亚将设置互动游戏区,为全家带来欢乐。此外,参观起亚展区的观众还有机会参与抽奖,赢取一台 Sportage 插电式混合动力汽车。

除 EV5 外,起亚还将在车展上展示 2025 年的多款新车:

  • Sportage:这款畅销车型迎来焕新升级,外观设计更精致,安全配置增强,还新增了抬头显示、数字钥匙、OTA 在线升级等便利功能。
  • EV6:经过重新设计,配备更大容量电池,续航里程进一步提升。
  • 全新 EV9 GT:性能强劲,零百加速仅需 4.6 秒。

观众还可在 MTCC 南楼 800 层的室内电动车道试驾 EV6 或旗舰车型 EV9,亲身体验起亚电动汽车的创新魅力。起亚展位位于 MTCC 北楼 300 层。

Kia EV5 to Make Public Debut at 2025 Canadian International AutoShowKia to introduce the EV5 to the public for the first time
2025 lineup to be on display, including Sportage, EV6 and EV9 
TORONTO, ON. — Kia returns to the Canadian International AutoShow for 2025, introducing the next entrant into Canada’s largest SUV segment, the EV5. Attendees will be among the first to see this exciting new vehicle in-person. 

The EV5 is the compact SUV designed for the masses, drawing bold styling and functionality cues from the award-winning EV9. It offers the versatility of an SUV, including spacious cargo, capability, and comfort with the added benefits of an electric powertrain, enabling owners to optimize convenience with home charging, leading to reduced operating costs and a premium driving experience that only an EV can deliver. The EV5 will go on sale in Kia dealerships across Canada in early 2026.

“We’re proud to welcome Kia back to this year’s AutoShow as they debut the EV5 to the public for the first time”, said Jason Campbell, General Manager of the AutoShow. “Kia continues to make impressive strides in the electric vehicle segment, and the EV5 is a testament to their commitment to providing sustainable mobility”.  

Kia’s display at the AutoShow will offer a variety of immersive experiences for guests to enjoy. Highlighting their global sponsorship with FIFA, Kia brings excitement for the whole family with an interactive gaming experience for guests to partake in. Additionally, visitors to the Kia exhibit will have the chance to enter a draw to win a Sportage Plug-In Hybrid.

Alongside the EV5, Kia will be showcasing their newest vehicles coming in 2025, which include:Sportage – This top-seller is refreshed with refined styling, enhanced safety features, available conveniences like a head-up display, digital key, Over-The-Air updates, and moreEV6 – Features a redesign including larger battery options and increased electric rangeNew EV9 GT – Delivering a powerhouse of performance, with a zero-100 km/h time of just 4.6 secondsExperience the innovation behind Kia’s electric vehicles by test driving the EV6 or flagship EV9 on the indoor EV track located on Level 800 of the MTCC South Building. 

The Kia display can be found on Level 300 of the North Building of the MTCC. 

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