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2025 加拿大国际车展:Cobble Beach Classics 向奔驰致敬

Cobble Beach Classics 将展示奔驰汽车长达一个世纪的辉煌历史

近日,Cobble Beach Classics 携一系列经典名车重返 2025 加拿大国际车展,向梅赛德斯 – 奔驰的不朽传奇致敬。此次展览精心挑选了跨越一个多世纪的奔驰汽车,彰显了该品牌的发展历程以及对卓越创新、精湛工艺和独特设计的执着追求。

车展总经理杰森・坎贝尔表示:“我们很高兴 Cobble Beach Classics 再次参展。Cobble Beach 一直以来都展示着最顶级的经典汽车,这对汽车爱好者和收藏家来说,始终是一大亮点。”

此次展览由享有盛誉的 Cobble Beach Concours d’Elegance 呈现,庆祝奔驰重返车展(这是自 2019 年以来奔驰的首次展示),将展出过去一个世纪直至当代的一些奔驰最具代表性的车型。


  • 1886 年奔驰专利汽车复制品:卡尔・本茨凭借第一台固定式汽油发动机彻底改变了汽车行业,这是一台单缸二冲程发动机,于 1879 年 12 月 31 日首次运行。1886 年,本茨为他的 “燃气发动机驱动的车辆” 申请专利,我们如今所熟知的汽车由此诞生。展出的这台复制品类似双座三轮的奔驰专利汽车一号模型,搭载一台紧凑的高速单缸四冲程发动机,功率为 0.75 马力。
  • 1935 年奔驰 130H:戴姆勒 – 奔驰,汽车历史上最著名的品牌之一,研发了 130H,这是首次尝试生产后置发动机汽车。这款双门车有硬顶、敞篷轿车和敞篷车三种款式,为未来汽车发展奠定了基础,启发了大众甲壳虫等车型。
  • 1938 年奔驰 540K 运动旅行车:1938 年的奔驰 540K 运动旅行车极为稀有,仅生产了两辆。现存的唯一一辆在此展出,它在二战时期被藏于德国的地下室掩体中,近 60 年后才被发现。战争爆发时,车主敲掉部分地下室墙壁打造掩体,保护爱车免受战火破坏。奇迹般的是,这辆车在那里保存了近 60 年,直到柏林墙倒塌后才重见天日。2005 年,该车经过全面修复,在世界闻名的圆石滩车展上首次亮相,并荣获著名的 “最佳车型” 奖。
  • 1960 年奔驰 300SL 敞篷跑车:奔驰美国进口商马克西米利安・霍夫曼,希望在鸥翼双门跑车成功的基础上推出 300 SL 的敞篷版,他认为这款车会大受欢迎。于是,1957 年 300 SL 敞篷跑车问世。由于为适应敞篷车顶需要加固车身,车辆增重 250 磅。为保证速度和性能,奔驰为所有敞篷跑车配备了与双门跑车相同的更具运动性能的 NSL 发动机,使其最高时速可达 133 – 155 英里。
  • 1961 年奔驰 190SL 敞篷跑车:在奔驰 300 SL 双门跑车和敞篷跑车取得巨大成功后,霍夫曼提议打造一款更小、更便宜的车型,于是 190 SL 应运而生。这款敞篷跑车在 1954 年纽约车展上首次亮相,在长达九年的生产周期中一直备受欢迎。与 300 SL 不同,190 SL 专为旅行设计,搭载 1.9 升直列四缸发动机,功率 120 马力,最高时速超过 105 英里。
  • 2006 年奔驰 SLR 迈凯伦双门跑车:在 1999 年北美车展上,奔驰推出了 SLR 概念车,其灵感来自 1955 年标志性的奔驰 300 SLR Uhlenhaut 双门跑车和封闭式轮 Formula 1 赛车的设计。这款概念车配备 5.0 升增压 AMG V8 发动机,功率高达 557 马力。由于反响热烈,奔驰与迈凯伦合作将概念车量产。奔驰负责车辆造型设计,迈凯伦负责其他部分。量产车于 2003 年首次公开亮相,迈凯伦为提升性能对车辆进行了大幅改造,包括重新安置发动机和调整空气动力学以实现最佳重量分配。
  • 2015 年奔驰 SLS AMG GT 最终版:SLS AMG GT 最终版是一款极为稀有的车型,作为限量版系列,全球仅生产 350 辆。它搭载一台强大的 6.3 升 V8 发动机,功率 583 马力,扭矩 479 磅 – 英尺,百公里加速仅需 3.7 秒。最终版车型配备了专属配置,包括碳纤维引擎盖、前分流器、受黑色系列启发的碳纤维后扰流板以及哑光黑色轻质锻造合金轮毂。
  • 2021 年奔驰 AMG GT 黑色系列 “P – One 版”:奔驰 AMG GT 体现了该品牌致力于生产高性能跑车的理念。2021 年,奔驰 AMG 推出黑色系列车型,这是多年私人赛车和 Formula 1 赛车技术的结晶,拥有极致的驾驶动态性能。专为 GT 黑色系列开发的 M178 LS2 双涡轮增压 V8 发动机,可产生惊人的 730 马力和 590 磅 – 英尺的扭矩。2022 年,奔驰 AMG 推出顶级车型 Project One,这是一款售价 272 万美元的超级跑车,采用了先进的 Formula 1 混合动力技术。GT 黑色系列的特别版 “P – One 版” 仅面向 AMG Project One 的预订客户推出,全球仅生产 275 辆,是收藏家梦寐以求的车型。

为纪念今年 Cobble Beach 的展览,屡获殊荣的艺术家杰伊・科卡特意创作了一件特别的艺术作品,展示了 1938 年奔驰 540K 运动旅行车和 2007 年奔驰 SLR 迈凯伦 722。Cobble Beach Classics 向奔驰致敬的展览位于多伦多地铁会议中心北楼 100 层。

Cobble Beach Concours d’Elegance & Motoring Festival 在 2024 年迎来了其十周年庆典。今年的活动将于 2025 年 9 月 12 日、13 日和 14 日举行。活动从周五的参与者巡游开始,周六有 “汽车与咖啡” 活动和 “柠檬车展”。周日在 Cobble Beach 高尔夫度假村及社区举行的 Concours d’Elegance 是主要活动,届时将展示一系列令人惊叹的国际名车并邀请特别嘉宾。活动上午 9 点开门,下午 2 点举行颁奖典礼。活动的净收益将支持森尼布鲁克基金会加里・赫维茨脑科学中心和欧文桑德地区医院基金会的相关项目。

Cobble Beach Classics Presents Tribute to Mercedes-Benz at 2025 Canadian International AutoShow Cobble Beach Classics to display a century-long legacy of iconic Mercedes-Benz vehicles
TORONTO, ON. — Cobble Beach Classics returns to the 2025 Canadian International AutoShow with a spectacular lineup of iconic automobiles, celebrating the timeless legacy of Mercedes-Benz. The exhibit will feature a meticulously curated collection of Mercedes-Benz vehicles that span over a century, highlighting the brand’s evolution and dedication to unparalleled innovation, craftsmanship, and design.
“We are thrilled to welcome back Cobble Beach Classics for another year at the show,” says Jason Campbell, General Manager of the AutoShow. “Cobble Beach consistently showcases the finest classic automobiles, and it’s always a highlight for car enthusiasts and collectors alike.”
Presented by the prestigious Cobble Beach Concours d’Elegance, this curated exhibit celebrates Mercedes-Benz’s return to the AutoShow – the marque’s first showcase since 2019 – and will feature some of the brands most iconic models from the past century up to near present day.
The tribute will include:
       1886 Benz Patent MotorWagen Replica – Carl Benz revolutionized the automotive industry with the first-ever stationary gasoline engine, a one-cylinder, two-stroke unit which ran for the first time on December 31, 1879. In 1886, the automobile we know today was born when Benz applied for a patent for his “Vehicle powered by a gas engine”. The unit on display resembles the two-seater, three-wheeled Benz Patent Motor Car, model no. 1 which featured a compact high-speed single-cylinder, four-stroke engine with an output of 0.75 horsepower.      1935 Mercedes-Benz 130H – Daimler-Benz, one of the most famous names in automotive history, developed the 130H as a first attempt at a rear-engine production car. This two-door car was offered as a hardtop, open top saloon, or cabriolet, and paved the way for the future, inspiring cars like the Volkswagen Beetle.      1938 Mercedes-Benz 540K Sport Tourer – The 1938 Mercedes-Benz 540K Sport Tourer is an ultra-rare automobile, with only two models ever built. The sole survivor, shown on display, was found nearly 60 years later after being hidden in a World War II-era basement bunker in Germany. When the war broke out, the original owner of the vehicle concealed the car by knocking out a portion of his basement to create a bunker, protecting it from the ravages of the war. Miraculously, the vehicle survived there for almost six decades, only to be rediscovered after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In 2005, the car was completely restored and debuted at the world-renowned Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, where it earned the prestigious Best-in-Class award.      1960 Mercedes-Benz 300SL Roadster – Maximilian Hoffman, the Mercedes-Benz US importer, sought to build on his success of the Gullwing coupe by proposing a convertible version of the 300 SL, which he believed would be a tremendous hit. This led to the introduction of the 300 SL Roadster in 1957. Due to reinforcements needed to accommodate the convertible rooftop, 250 lb of weight was added to the car. Prioritizing speed and performance, Mercedes-Benz standardized all roadsters with the more sporting NSL engine of the coupe, allowing the vehicle to reach top speeds of 133 to 155 mph.      1961 Mercedes-Benz 190SL Roadster – After the tremendous success of the Mercedes-Benz 300 SL coupe and roadster, Hoffman proposed a smaller, less expensive version, resulting in the creation of the 190 SL. The roadster had its debut at the 1954 New York Auto Show and was a popular model throughout the duration of its nine-year production run. In contrast to the 300 SL, the 190 SL is designed for touring and is powered by a 1.9L, inline four-cylinder engine, producing 120 horsepower and a top speed of over 105 mph.      2006 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Coupe – At the 1999 North American Auto Show, Mercedes-Benz unveiled the Vision SLR concept, inspired by both the iconic Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé of 1955 and the design of closed-wheel Formula 1 cars. The concept car was equipped with a 5.0L supercharged AMG V8 engine, delivering an impressive power output of 557 horsepower. Positive reception of the car led to Mercedes joining forces with McLaren to bring the concept to life. Mercedes handled the styling of the car, while McLaren was responsible for everything else. The production car had its public debut in 2003, with McLaren having to radically alter the vehicle for improved performance, including repositioning the engine and altering the aerodynamics for optimal weight distribution.      2015 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT Final Edition –  The SLS AMG GT Final Edition is a uniquely-rare model, crafted as a limited-edition series with only 350 units produced worldwide. Under the hood lies a powerful 6.3L V8 engine, delivering a robust 583 horsepower and 479 lb-ft of torque, propelling the car from zero to 100 km/h in just 3.7 seconds. The Final Edition models are distinguished with exclusive features, including a carbon fibre hood, front splitter, Black Series-inspired carbon fibre rear-wing, and lightweight forged alloy wheels painted matte black.      2021 Mercedes-Benz AMG GT Black Series “P-One Edition” – The Mercedes-AMG GT is a testament to the brand’s commitment to producing highly-advanced performance sports cars. In 2021, Mercedes-AMG introduced the Black Series variant, a pinnacle of performance inspired by years of privateer and Formula 1 motorsport expertise, delivering truly extreme driving dynamics. Developed exclusively for the GT Black Series, the fearsome M178 LS2 twin-tubo V8 engine generates a jaw-dropping 730 horsepower and 590 lb-ft of torque. In 2022, Mercedes-AMG pushed boundaries further with the production debut of the range-topping Project One, a $2.72 million hypercar, featuring cutting-edge Formula 1 hybrid powertrain technology. A special edition of the GT Black Series was offered exclusively to AMG Project One depositors, resulting in the “P-One Edition”. This model is a collectors dream, with only 275 units produced worldwide. 
To commemorate this year’s Cobble Beach exhibit, multi-award winning artist, Jay Koka, has purposefully crafted a special piece of art which can be viewed on display, showcasing the iconic 1938 Mercedes-Benz 540K Sport Tourer alongside the 2007 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722. The Cobble Beach Classics Tribute to Mercedes-Benz exhibit can be found on Level 100 in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre – North Building.
The Cobble Beach Concours d’Elegance & Motoring Festival celebrated its 10th year in 2024. This year’s event will be taking place September 12, 13 and 14, 2025. The festivities begin with the Participants’ Tour on Friday, followed by Cars & Coffee and Concours d’Lemons on Saturday. The main event, the Concours d’Elegance, will be held on Sunday at Cobble Beach Golf Resort and Community, featuring a stunning array of international automobiles and special guests. Gates open at 9:00 am, with the awards ceremony at 2:00 pm. Net proceeds from the event support the Sunnybrook Foundation Garry Hurvitz Brain Sciences Centre and the Owen Sound Regional Hospital Foundation campaigns.

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