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星期二, 22 10 月, 2024
Home专题 | Featured人物 | Celebraties独家专访加拿大旅游部部长Mélanie Joly

独家专访加拿大旅游部部长Mélanie Joly

采访:Eva Shi      编译:Nini Lin



《搜罗SOLO》杂志主编Remon Chen和旅游部长Mélanie Joly

Joly部长:实际上杜鲁多总理也曾向我提出让我在旅游业发展方面提出一个国际范围的计划。在接下来的几个月我会完善这个计划,但在此之前,我会进行一个建议听证会,从加拿大国民的角度来看待这个问题。旅游业将如何在这些地方带来中产阶层类的工作,例如Markham,Richmond Hill,Toronto。以及更多田园城市例如Churchill, Manitoba,Yellow Knife,和北部的White Horse。这些就是我目前重点的工作项目。我还会举办一个咨询委员会,听取他们关于如何战胜旅游的障碍以及如何发展的建议。



加拿大旅游部部长Mélanie Joly

Joly部长:我认为语言的二元性以及双语制在我们国家成为核心要素已经有150年的历史。这是我们的特色。我们不仅有法语文化,英语文化也有很多其他文化。加拿大人民与其他各国人民的特殊之处就是在于这个国家文化的多样性以及它希望促进各种文化的融合。在魁北克地区以及整个加拿大遍布的法语文化使我们可以进入一个非常重要的组织,La Francophonie(法语国家及地区国际组织)。这是一个除联合国以外的第二大组织。这对旅游业来说也是一个大好消息,因为法语国家及地区的居民会更多的被吸引来到加拿大。


English Version

Solo: Canada-China Year of Tourism will be ended in 2019, how would you evaluate this tourism year? Do you think it really promotes the economic growth between two countries?
Minister: Yes, I think we are very happy with this important Canada-China year of tourism. It will end on December 21st on 2018. And we know that there has been a search and the number of tourist coming from China to Canada, so we know that Canada has a lot to offer in this term of experience and we are always trying to achieve the needs of the Chinese population when they come to Canada. But also, we know that there also has been a lot of tourists from Canada going to China. Obviously, we have strong ties between governments. We believe it is also important in tourism to having strong government to government but also people to people ties with China. Since we have more than 1.8 million Chinese ancestry, so we have a strong Chinese community can really also help Chinese tourist come to Canada.

Solo: What would be the next step between Canada and China after year of tourism? Are there any other tourism development plans?
Minister: Obviously, we are discussing that with Chinese government to make sure we can continue to work together in the tourism industry and in the tourism factor. I will be heading to Beijing in December to have this conversation with my counter plan. I have a good relationship with the minister of Culture and Tourism of China. Minister Luo Shugang will be a pleasure to share common ideas and future plans to empower both countries.In December, there will be the closing ceremony of Canada-China year of Tourism.I will be staying there around a week. We will be showcasing the best of Canada, and also the best of winter sports and winter tourism because we know that in the context of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, the president of the republic of China has clearly stated that he wants the population to raise more winter sports. And since we are a unique and fantastic winter sports destination, we want to promote Canada’s gem to the Chinese government but also to the Chinese public.

Solo: That’s a really good opportunity. Maybe our team will be in Beijing as well. Will you consider to keep having year of tourism with more countries in the future? And what’s the target?
Minister: Actually, what the prime minister has asked me to do is to develop a national strategy on tourism and I’ll be coming up with that strategy in this frame in the coming months. But before then, I’ll be launching a listening tour to share from Canadian perspective on the tourism factor and how it can create really good middle-class jobs in places such as, Markham, Richmond Hill and Toronto but also in rural places such as Churchill, Manitoba, and the region of Yellow Knife and also White horse in the great north. These are the things that I’m doing. I will be launching also an advisory committee that will be filled up with experts that can really advise me on how to overcome the barriers in tourism and how to grow the sector.

Solo: In this year of tourism, we have hold some special event in Canada to promote cultural exchange but many of our invitees from China, their visas cannot be issued by visa office even they have got formal invitations. What are your thoughts on this problem?
Minister: Actually, we’ve opened more than 7 centers in China for visas to actually speed up the process. We know that we have to have a fair and non-discriminatory process of application and immigration procedures, and we know that actually there are applications coming from all around the world countries with this issue and I have conversation with my colleague, the minister of immigration, to make sure that we can really help our tourism industry boost and really ease the process coming to Canada in the context where we want to grow tourism factor.

Solo: Yes, especially the visa is very important part. If people cannot come there, there will be no cultural exchange but I’m sure you have put a lot of effort.
Minister: Yes, putting a lot of effort on this important situation. Really thank you for this interview. Thank you for spending time on this.

Solo: As we know, except the minister of tourism you are also serve as Official Languages and La Francophonie. Our executive editor has been stayed in France for many years. What is your view about Canadian French culture in Canada? How do you think the importance of the French culture here in Canada and why is it important?
Minister: I think, you know linguistic duality and our bilingualism have been the core of who we are in the country for 150 years. It is part of our identity. The fact that we have a French culture, an English culture and multiculturalism. Part of who we are as Canadians distinguishes us very specifically in the world as a country that is able to value diversity and actually promote it. And the fact also that we have a very strong French culture in Quebec and all across the country has enabled us to have an access to very important network which is la Francophonie, which is a network of countries that is the biggest network after the United Nations. And also that is great news for the tourism sector because a lot of citizens living in Francophone countries can be even more attracted to coming to Canada.

Solo: Thank you very much! Do you have anything that you want to speak to our reader in Chinese community?
Minister: Yes, Chinese community is extremely valuable and especially in the tourism sector because they have many restaurants they have their hotel operators, some of them are tour operators and they have different types of small businesses and they are very keen to succeed. And it is also very important of promoting Canada on exporting, exporting to China. I think that, clearly to the Chinese community, you have a government that wants to have a really good relationship with the community and is always open to help the way to do business and to cut taxes to small business and actually empower their fantastic creativity and willingness to succeed.

By Eva Shi & Nini Lin

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