一年一度的圣诞节来临之际,多伦多各地也相继举办迎接这一重要节日的精彩活动。11月16日当地晚6:30,位于万锦市的CF Markville Mall举行了圣诞树点灯活动。现场气氛热闹欢快,吸引了来众们的注意,主办方还为民众们发放了手环,手环随着DJ的音乐而变换不同的色彩,使每一个人都有活动参与感。最后,在大家的倒数声中,圣诞树被点亮,迎来一众喝彩。活动结束后,搜罗杂志采访了当晚的活动嘉宾 – DJ Clymaxxx

DJ Clymaxxx: 成一位名DJ,在幕后需要做非常多的工作,付出很大的努力。但同时对我来说也是一份受益良多的职业。它使我可以成为自己的老板,我可以每天做音乐,做表演,这些都是我非常热爱且真心喜欢的事情。并不是所有的人都会说他们真心热爱自己的职业,但我非常庆幸我能成为一个这样的人。
DJ Clymaxxx: 我受到了来自非常多人的启发,他们的共同之处是都把自己对于音乐的爱好提升到了专业的水平。其中有表演艺术家,作家,也有DJ和音乐制作人。例如Eskei83和DJ Jazzy Jeff,我从他们的专业技术以及创造力中受到了启发,也很欣赏他们能一直在DJ领域占有一定重要的位置。Pharrell Williams 和 Diplo这两位音乐制作人的独创性给予了我灵感。此外,像Jay-Z这样在这个行业中可以很好的兼具艺术性和商业性的艺术家也使我更多的了解了如果要想在这个行业变得更优秀所需要拥有的能力。
DJ Clymaxxx: 我计划未来继续为电台工作,并且在未来的几年希望都可以在各种活动中表演。在过去的几年里,我也努力地参与了音乐制作方面的工作,所以在未来可能会发行自己的原创音乐。
搜罗:作为CF Markville第一个圣诞树点灯活动的嘉宾有什么样的感觉?
DJ Clymaxxx: 这是一场非常棒的活动经历!通过看到了现场参与活动的人们对这次活动的热情和热烈的反应,我认为这个活动可以成为一个每年举办一次的传统仪式。
DJ Clymaxxx: 我最喜欢和家人们一起庆祝节日,坐在一起听很多我们都喜欢的圣诞歌。
DJ Clymaxxx: 圣诞节是一年之中我最喜欢的节日,圣诞树点灯仪式在这个节日里显得更加应景。同时我也希望可以成为社区中新传统的一份子,非常高兴可以面对面的见到每周收听KiSS 92.5的听众们。
DJ Clymaxxx: 我的作用是让人们在圣诞树的灯亮起来的时候为他们播放改编一些圣诞主题的歌,从而带动活动的气氛。音乐有可以把人民聚集在一起的能力,我的本职工作也是用一种独特且难忘的方式来表演音乐。
DJ Clymaxxx: 所有来参加CF Markville圣诞树点灯活动的SOLO杂志读者们,非常感谢你们来参加这次精彩的活动。我也非常想感谢每周五早上在KiSS 92.5收听Roz And Mocha Mixxx的读者们。对于那些未能来参加活动的朋友们,希望你们明年一定要来参加!
English Version:
SOLO: What does it feel like to be a DJ in your life?
DJ Clymaxxx: Being a DJ requires a lot of hard work behind the scenes, but it has been a very rewarding career for me. It allows me to be my own boss and spend each day doing something I’m very passionate about – making and performing music. Not everyone can say they truly love their job – I feel fortunate to be someone who can!
SOLO: Who inspires you the most in your career?
DJ Clymaxxx: I’m inspired by many people who have been able to take their music hobby to a professional level, whether as a performing artist, writer, DJ or producer. DJ’s like Eskei83 and DJ Jazzy Jeff inspire me with their technical skills, their creativity and their ability to remain at the cutting edge of the DJ scene. Producers like Pharrell Williams and Diplo inspire me with their originality. Artists like Jay-Z inspire me with their ability to excel in both the creative and business side of the industry.
SOLO: What is your future plan in your career as a DJ?
DJ Clymaxxx: I plan on being on your radio and playing at events for many more years! I’ve also been getting more involved with the music production side of things in the past few years. I would love to release some of my own music in the future.
SOLO: What is it like to be a part of the first Tree Lighting Show at CF Markville?
DJ Clymaxxx: It’s been an amazing experience! With all the energy and enthusiasm from the crowd this year at CF Markville, I really think the Tree Lighting Show will be an annual tradition for many years to come.
SOLO: What is your favorite way to celebrate the holidays?
DJ Clymaxxx: My favourite way to celebrate the holidays is spending time with family and listening to my (many) favourite Christmas songs!
SOLO: What made you want to be a part of this event?
DJ Clymaxxx: Christmas is my favourite time of the year, so a Tree Lighting event was the perfect way to kick off the Christmas season. I also wanted to be a part of a new tradition in the community, and it was an amazing opportunity to personally meet a lot of people who tune in to my radio shows on KiSS 92.5 each week.
SOLO: What is your role in bringing this event to life?
DJ Clymaxxx: My role is to get people excited for the big moment when the tree is lit by playing and remixing some of their favourite Christmas songs. Music has the ability to bring people together. It’s my job to perform that music in a unique and memorable way.
SOLO: Do you want to say something to our SOLO magazine’s readers?
DJ Clymaxxx: For all the SOLO magazine readers who came out to the Tree Lighting at CF Markville, thank you so much for being a part of this amazing event! I also want to thank those readers who tune in to the Roz And Mocha Mixxx every Friday morning on KiSS 92.5. For anyone who couldn’t make it to this year’s Tree Lighting, you should definitely make plans to join the event next year!
采访:Nini 编译:妮妮