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星期二, 11 2 月, 2025
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创意天府 礼遇成都



“天府途礼”特色手工业产品和农产品项目北美发言人Anna Luo向来宾介绍了斯维登集团背景和大赛的基本情况。加拿大珠宝设计师Emily Gao介绍了今年参赛的作品和心得,加拿大联邦国会议员,多元文化部长Bob Saroya的助理Shelley Tang为主办方颁发了贺信并且发表了贺词。多伦多市政府时尚艺术部门负责人Lauri,加中四川总商会会长王浩分别发表了致辞。此外,来自多伦多市政厅艺术时尚部,女王勋章获得者,中加传奇大奖获得者,多伦多时尚孵化中心总裁,Ryerson大学时尚学院顾问,多伦多时尚杂志Fashion Feature主编,多伦多四川同乡会会长刘熹,加拿大云南商会会长田荣兰,加拿大深圳社团联合总会共同主席黎楚云,加拿大宁夏商会会长段然,加拿大国家人才库负责人,北京龙成国际文化发展股份有限公司总裁助理等出席推介会并且向主办方带来了诚挚的祝贺。

发布会上,大家观看了成都城市宣传视频,2018大赛实况视频和成都蜀锦传统手工艺匠人的视频,通过当晚的推介会,现场的嘉宾,设计师加深了对于“天府途礼”创意设计大赛和成都这座城市的了解,也对快速发展中的中国文化艺术市场产生了浓厚的兴趣。 当晚,来自巴巴罗斯,日本,中国的现代舞青年艺术家为嘉宾呈现了中国传统茶艺与西方现代舞相结合的舞蹈,体现了中国传统文化与西方现代艺术的碰撞和交流,画面统一和谐,赢得了在场嘉宾的一致好评。

“天府途礼”特色手工业产品和农产品创意设计大赛是中国迄今规模最大的城市旅游特产创意设计大赛。本次比赛由全域旅游领先整合者、亚洲地区不动产管理头部企业、旅游共享经济开拓者斯维登集团和中国旅游特产垂直电商平台途礼公司主办,并得到中国成都市特色镇(街区)建设领导小组的指导,每年的大赛总奖金额约140万加币。 2018年8月,加拿大珠宝设计师Jing Yao Gao回中国参加了比赛,以蜀绣和银饰结合的形式设计了珠宝系列产品,获得了二等奖,奖金8万加币。并且双方已经在蜀绣饰品开发,联合推广中加文化旅游市场等方面展开了积极的合作。


在“天府途礼”五年项目运营期内,每年都将举办一届创意设计大赛,吸引全球顶尖的创意团队参与赛事,共襄盛举。通过五年的品牌打造,助力产业转型升级,将成都打造成为全国知名的特色手工业产品和农产品的“创意设计之都”。通过创意设计大赛在五年内每年推出3款冠以“天府途礼”的产品上市销售。并不断提升成都市“天府途礼 ”品牌的竞争力和国际影响力,力争在五年内实现不少于10个冠以“天府途礼”品牌的创意产品上市销售。




English Version:

“Tianfu Tuli” Specialized Handicrafts and Package Design contest kicked off in Canada

China’s largest city souvenir design competition named “Tianfu Tuli” Specialized Handicrafts and Package Design for Agricultural Products Contest kicked off on Wednesday, Dec 12 in Toronto. he competition is organized by Sweetome group, one of the largest online houses sharing platform in China and Tuli, a tourism souvenir sharing e-commerce platform including online and offline resources.

The competition is supported by city of Chengdu with an annual competition prize of $1.4 million CAD.
As the most famous tourist city in China, Chengdu has splendid culture and long history. The contest aims to create a unified brand that integrates and promotes traditional handicraft products and agricultural products in all towns in Chengdu, and further to increase job opportunity and improve people’s life.
As a five-years program, the organizers will invite international design teams and individual talents to participate in designing the “Tianfu Tuli” brand that combines Chinese traditional culture and western creativity.
Gao Jingyao, a Chinese Canadian jewelry designer has won second place with a grand prize of $80,000 in August in Chengdu. Following her win, the competition plans to expand into the Canadian market to attract more talents come to china to create more valuable designes in the near future.

The Creative Contest aims to enhance cultural heritage values to meet market demands by combining traditional Chinese handicraft products with Western creativity, art and culture.  Upgrading product design, development of  production and packaging to conform current aesthetic trends for products to improve consumer experience and satisfaction, and  help the industry develop.

In the next five years, the contest organizer is looking forward to open up international exhibiting market with an international perspective. By setting up overseas special events and bonus awards, Sweetome will cooperate with Canada design schools and professional associations to attract more designers and design teams to join and start to enrich innovative cross-border collaborations, integrate more diverse design resources  back to China, build an international bridge between Chinese traditional culture and international design concept to collide with more opportunities for Chinese design and art industry.

Any interest or question for the contest, please contact for blueocean.cultural@gmail.com.

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