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星期五, 14 3 月, 2025
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The Artists Forum Festival Of The Moving Image 全球短⽚电影节介绍

The Artists Forum Festival Of The Moving Image是由已经成⽴22年,位于美国纽约 的⾮盈利组织The Artists Forum艺术家论坛举办的每年⼀届的全球短⽚电影节。该短⽚电影 节致⼒于为传统好莱坞之外的新兴的且富有创意的独⽴制作⼈提供了更多机遇,使得他们在 强⼤的纽约市以及国际艺术和媒体市场上被⼈们看到并了解。The Artists Forum艺术家论坛 由NYC & Company Foundation纽约基⾦会常年赞助⽀持,是纽约丰富⽂化的重要出⼝和汇 聚点。

2020年10⽉16⽇⾄2020年11⽉14⽇,短⽚节五年来⾸次在线上展映,汇集全球包含 英国、法国、意⼤利、中国、韩国、⽇本等在内的15个国家和地区的42部优质艺术家短⽚ 将和全球观众在线上⻅⾯。此次展映的短⽚被分成四个展映单元,分别以“Search for  Belonging寻找归属感”、“Agent(s) of Chaos 混沌代⾔⼈”、“Tales of the Heart⼼灵传说”、 “Acute Stress Response急性压⼒应激反应”四个单

Smart Cinema USA is one of the most innovative virtual cinemas which dramatically  increases the day-and-date theatrical releases of international films in North America.  

“Since the very first day of our launch, our goal is to always showcase the best films to  international audiences.” said Jack Gao, CEO of Smart Cinema USA. “We are honored  that Smart Cinema USA has been selected by THE ARTISTS FORUM to be the  exclusive platform during this global pandemic for this special event. We are committed  to serve as the virtual cinema for new ways of exhibiting films.”

THE ARTISTS FORUM FESTIVAL OF THE MOVING IMAGE: 2020 will showcase 42 short films, created by independent filmmakers originating from 15 countries:  Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Iran, Italy, Japan, South Korea,  North Macedonia, Philippines, Serbia, United Kingdom, and the United States. The  festival requires that films present innovative vision and unique perspectives in 30  minutes or less. 

Each year, the festival highlights a wide variety of categories, such as: Narrative,  Experimental, Documentary, Comedy, Dark Themes, Animation, and Music Video. This  year, the festival will also feature a special themed category: New York Stories.

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